Julian Rentzsch - Germany
Im an illustrator and designer based in Hamburg, Germany. I work for brands, publications and people. Please feel free to contact me for commissions, projects or just to say hello.
Selected clients:
A24 films, Allianz, Autostadt, Arte, Berliner Philharmoniker, Byte FM, BMW, Cazal, Cicero, Die Zeit, GEO, Grundig, Handelsblatt, Jacobs Foundation, Mercedes Benz, Mini, Netflix, Siemens, Sixt, Der Spiegel, Sportfive, Stern, Treuco, Union Invest, Volkswagen.
Axel Springer, BBDO, BLT Communications, Branders, Cornelsen, Darewin, Expolab, Grafe&Unzer, Grabarz&Partner, Gruner&Jahr, Hoffmann&Campe, Jung von Matt, Kircher Burkhardt, Metaleap Creative, Peter Schmidt Group, Mutabor, Strichpunkt Design.
Exhibition Alcine Film Festival Madrid/Spain
Press & publications:
Hamburgs Kreative yearbook 2015
Hahnemuhle paper-manufactory interview 2015
Fubiz Media features 2015
Nook Names interview 2014
Frei5til book feature 2014
Novum magazine interview 2012
Rotring Ambassador by Mutabor 2011
Designerreisen“ calendar by Eiga 2009
Designerschätze“ calendar by Eiga 2008.