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Gallery Of Drawings By Jonathan Twingley - Usa
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Jonathan Twingley - USA
Jonathan Twingley is an American author, artist and illustrator.
His work is regularly exhibited in galleries and museums throughout the United States.
His paintings and illustrations also appear in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly, The New Republic, Mother Jones, and The Progressive.
Twingley was born in Bismarck, North Dakota.
His mother was a librarian.
His father, an artist and high school arts instructor, would often allow Twingley to paint on the backs of his test proofs with large brushes and lots of tempera paint. According to Twingley, I began my career as an Abstract Expressionist, allowing the paint to do most of the thinking. And then I turned four and became a Social Realist and never really looked back.
Twingley's primary and high school education occurred in his home town of Bismarck. He earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Minnesota State University Moorhead in 1996, and completed his Master's Degree in Fine Arts (MFA) in illustration at the prestigious School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York City.
As an illustrator, Twingley's work appears regularly in United States national publications including the New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, Los Angeles Times, The Nation, and The New Republic.
In addition, Twingley is often commissioned by the Columbia Journalism Review, Boston Magazine, and trade magazine publishers such as Corporate Counsel, The Deal, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and Re Thinking Schools.

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