Gallery Of Character Design & Illustrations By Julia Bax - Brazil
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Julia Bax - Brazil
Julia Nascimento Bacellar, known as Julia Bax, is a Brazilian comic artist and illustrator who was born in Belem, Para in 1981, but grew up in Sao Jose dos Campos, a city in the Paraiba Valley, Sao Paulo.
She began to draw as a child, influenced by comic books of superheroes.
At age 18, she moved to Sao Paulo to continue his studies.
Graduated in Economics, she formally distanced herself from her graduation and resumed contact with the comics while attending the Anatomy of Superheroes course at QUANTA, with Roger Cruz.
Started his comic book career in the magazines Kaos And Technorama Chin, which earned him the 2006 Revelation Designer award at the HQ Mix Trophy.
She continued his career abroad, working for Marvel Comics (where he worked for X-Men: First Class), Boom Studios, Devil's Due and Le Lombard, as well as illustrating books and magazines for the largest publishers in Brazil (Cia das Letras, Abril, Moderna, Saraiva, Rocco and others).
For two years, she published monthly strips in the Folhateen notebook of the Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper , strips that were compiled in the album Stories that told me.
In 2013, together with writer Diogo Bercito, she released the REMY album, a story about the conflicts of a boy who lives with bronchitis, at the same time Julia also worked with the French publisher Le Lombard, in which he published the album PINK DAIQUIRI.
In the second half of 2015 she has worked on QUIN, a project selected by Proac 2014, with a launch scheduled for the first quarter of 2016.
In addition, Princesse will leave France with Antoine Ozanam in January 2016, again for Le Lombard, the album to be painted In watercolor, technique extensively researched and applied in its current production; Such research is evident in his artbook The Shape of Light, released in 2015.
Julia Nascimento Bacellar, known as Julia Bax, is a Brazilian comic artist and illustrator who was born in Belem, Para in 1981, but grew up in Sao Jose dos Campos, a city in the Paraiba Valley, Sao Paulo.
She began to draw as a child, influenced by comic books of superheroes.
At age 18, she moved to Sao Paulo to continue his studies.
Graduated in Economics, she formally distanced herself from her graduation and resumed contact with the comics while attending the Anatomy of Superheroes course at QUANTA, with Roger Cruz.
Started his comic book career in the magazines Kaos And Technorama Chin, which earned him the 2006 Revelation Designer award at the HQ Mix Trophy.
She continued his career abroad, working for Marvel Comics (where he worked for X-Men: First Class), Boom Studios, Devil's Due and Le Lombard, as well as illustrating books and magazines for the largest publishers in Brazil (Cia das Letras, Abril, Moderna, Saraiva, Rocco and others).
For two years, she published monthly strips in the Folhateen notebook of the Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper , strips that were compiled in the album Stories that told me.
In 2013, together with writer Diogo Bercito, she released the REMY album, a story about the conflicts of a boy who lives with bronchitis, at the same time Julia also worked with the French publisher Le Lombard, in which he published the album PINK DAIQUIRI.
In the second half of 2015 she has worked on QUIN, a project selected by Proac 2014, with a launch scheduled for the first quarter of 2016.
In addition, Princesse will leave France with Antoine Ozanam in January 2016, again for Le Lombard, the album to be painted In watercolor, technique extensively researched and applied in its current production; Such research is evident in his artbook The Shape of Light, released in 2015.
