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Gallery Of Cartoons By Toso Borkovic - Serbia
0 Comments | 9 Likes| Gallery | Cartoons | Toso Borkovic | Serbia

Toso Borkovic - Serbia
Toso Borkovic is a Serbian comic artist and illustrator.
Born in Han Pijesak, he has lived in Ruma since 1960, where he also studied Electrical Engineering. After several odd jobs, such as newspaper vendor, he turned to fulltime cartooning in the 1980s.
He had a regular spot in the Belgrade newspaper Vecernje Novosti.
His best known comic strip is 'Tosa', that has appeared on a daily base in Borba since October 1986.
He also made a vertical strip with erotic humor called 'Gobosi' for the weekly Novosti 8 in the late 1980s. Borkovic's work is characterized by its generally wordless and satirical nature.

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