Gallery Of Cartoons By Srecko Puntaric - Croatia
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Srecko Puntaric - Croatia
Srecko Puntaric is a Croatian cartoonist.
He is best known for his regular comic Felix in the Croatian daily Vecernji list,but has had his comic strips published in nearly every Croatian newspaper.
He was born on 19 May 1952 in Zagreb.
In 1978 he graduated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb.
Srecko Puntaric is a Croatian cartoonist.
He is best known for his regular comic Felix in the Croatian daily Vecernji list,but has had his comic strips published in nearly every Croatian newspaper.
He was born on 19 May 1952 in Zagreb.
In 1978 he graduated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb.
