Gallery Of Cartoons By Roberto Netto - Brazil
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Roberto Netto - Brazil
Natural of Sao Luis, Maranhao, but from Rio de Janeiro since 4 years
Graduated in Printmaking from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, I have published in numerous Brazilian newspapers, including the legendary O Pasquim, Jornal do Brasil, OGlobo, Folha de Londrina, O Dia, ... and various magazines such as Him & Ela , Status, Playboy, Mad ...
He participated in several humorous salons in Brazil and abroad, including several of them, such as Saloes Universitarios de Humor of Ribeirao Preto, Salons of Humor of Caninde (Pernambuco), First Saloon of Humor Cachaca Paty do Alferes, Humor Hall Nair de Teffe (Niteroi), XVII Salon Carioca of Humor, Halls of Humor of Volta Redonda ... etc
For contingencies of the life gave a stop for a good time in the drawings, however decided this year to return with full force.
I am a person who enjoys a lot of contact with nature, a good table, good conversation, walking through the city center, theater, music, dance, exhibitions of all kinds, shows, market, fair, bus, beach , saw, finally ... all the places that can serve as laboratory for the art of the cartoon
Natural of Sao Luis, Maranhao, but from Rio de Janeiro since 4 years
Graduated in Printmaking from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, I have published in numerous Brazilian newspapers, including the legendary O Pasquim, Jornal do Brasil, OGlobo, Folha de Londrina, O Dia, ... and various magazines such as Him & Ela , Status, Playboy, Mad ...
He participated in several humorous salons in Brazil and abroad, including several of them, such as Saloes Universitarios de Humor of Ribeirao Preto, Salons of Humor of Caninde (Pernambuco), First Saloon of Humor Cachaca Paty do Alferes, Humor Hall Nair de Teffe (Niteroi), XVII Salon Carioca of Humor, Halls of Humor of Volta Redonda ... etc
For contingencies of the life gave a stop for a good time in the drawings, however decided this year to return with full force.
I am a person who enjoys a lot of contact with nature, a good table, good conversation, walking through the city center, theater, music, dance, exhibitions of all kinds, shows, market, fair, bus, beach , saw, finally ... all the places that can serve as laboratory for the art of the cartoon
