Omar Atbetto Figueroa Turcios was born on 24th September 1968 in Corozai, Colombia.
in 1978 his family moved to Barranquiila, where he graduated at El Colegio San Judas Tadeos In devetoping of his talent helped him also La Academia de Marcel Lombana in Barranquilla.
He published his first cartoons in newspaper El Heraldo and in Diario del Caribe. In 1990 Turcios moved to Bogota and published his cartoons in many periodicats (El Tiempo, El Espectador, El Nuevo Siglo, Semana, Acento, Cambio 15,Cromos and Walt Stress). He studied also at the National School of Cartoons.
In 1990 he got his first award at the International Competition Cafam in Bogota.
Since then Turcios participated at numerous cartoon competitions and reached about 70 major awards in many countries (Spain, Cuba, USA, Brazil, Portugal, Italy, Mexico, China, Greece, etc).
Let us mention some of them: Gold Medal — Ancona, ltaty, 1995, 1st Prize — Tehran, Iran 2003, 1st Prize — Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2006, 1st Prize — Patio, Brazit 2009, tst Prize — Boston, USA 2010, Gotd Medal, China 2012. Personally, however!
he appreciates most personal awards which he received: title "The Famous Son” of his hometown Corozat and the song "El Caricaturista”, dedicated to his life and work composed for the Chanclet Studic in Barranquilla. in 1998, Turcios traveied to Spain, where he received offers to work for Spanish periodicals. He settled in Alcaia de Henares, where he lives and works till these days. Worked for El Mundo, La Razon, Dian'o de Aicala, El Economista and Punta Media. He was awarded the title "Honorary Professor of Humour" at the University of Alcaie de Henares. He published his book “En un tugar de la Manche”. Artworks of Omar Turcios have been exhibited in numerous individual and collective exhibitions in many countries of the world.