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Gallery Of Cartoons By Murat Ahmeti - Kosovo
0 Comments | 1 Like | Gallery | Cartoons | Murat Ahmeti | Kosovo

Murat Ahmeti - Kosovo
(1984-2002) Daily Newspaper Rilindja Pristina Kosovo as Caricaturist.
Weekly KOHA Pristina Kosovo as Caricaturist.
Weekly JAVA Pristina Kosovo as Cricaturist.
(From 2002) Graphic Designer (illastrations).
Cartoon Festival, Pristina Kosovo Kosovo 1987-First Prize
Cartoon Festival, Pristina Kosovo Kosovo 1988-First Prize
Cartoon Festival of Zagreb include a newspaper Sprint-Special Prize
Best Caricature of Press caricature Rilindja 1989-First Prize
Cartoon Festival , Pristina Kosovo Kosovo 1991-Secound Prize
Int.Concours De Caricarure D’Aksehir Nasreddin Hodja Turkey-Special Prize

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