Gallery Of Cartoons By Kambiz Derambakhsh – Iran
0 Comments | 3 Likes| Gallery | Cartoon | Kambiz Derambakhsh | Iran

Kambiz Derambakhsh – Iran
He was born in Shiraz, 1942.
He graduated from Tehran Fine Arts School and is one of the caricature pioneers with his own style.
Derambakhsh started his cooperation with Iranian journals such as Tofigh at the age of 15, continued working with the other Iranian and foreign journals such as The New York Times, Der Spiegel, and Nebelspalter.
Overall, He has cooperated continuously with more than 47 well-known journals in Iran and foreign countries and taught caricature art in Faculty of Fine Arts (Tehran University) for some years.
This artist has held more than 32 solo exhibitions in Iran and foreign countries.
He has been present in 30 local and foreign group exhibitions.
Derambakhsh has participated in some activities in the field of advertisement (designing book covers), illustration of children’s books, posters, short films, postal cards, and calendars.
He entered animation making arena in 2007.
He and his son, Ramin, work in this field and have made some short animations such as ‘the clowns’.
Receiving the Legion of Honour from France Government, 2014
Award winner of international caricature competitions in Japan, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Turkey, Brazil, and Yugoslavia.
Visiting juror in some great international caricature exhibitions
Artworks in Museums:
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Arts
Basel Caricature Museum in Switzerland
Gabrovo Caricature Museum in Bulgaria
Hiroshima Museum in Japan
Anti-war Museum in Yugoslavia
Istanbul Caricature Museum in Turkey
Warsaw Caricature Museum in Poland
Frankfurt Municipality Museum in Germany
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Diary of angels
The book of Kambiz (published in Italy)
Satirists of Iran
Don't bother the labouring ant
Olympic of laughter
A symphony of lines
If Da Vinci had met me.
He was born in Shiraz, 1942.
He graduated from Tehran Fine Arts School and is one of the caricature pioneers with his own style.
Derambakhsh started his cooperation with Iranian journals such as Tofigh at the age of 15, continued working with the other Iranian and foreign journals such as The New York Times, Der Spiegel, and Nebelspalter.
Overall, He has cooperated continuously with more than 47 well-known journals in Iran and foreign countries and taught caricature art in Faculty of Fine Arts (Tehran University) for some years.
This artist has held more than 32 solo exhibitions in Iran and foreign countries.
He has been present in 30 local and foreign group exhibitions.
Derambakhsh has participated in some activities in the field of advertisement (designing book covers), illustration of children’s books, posters, short films, postal cards, and calendars.
He entered animation making arena in 2007.
He and his son, Ramin, work in this field and have made some short animations such as ‘the clowns’.
Receiving the Legion of Honour from France Government, 2014
Award winner of international caricature competitions in Japan, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Turkey, Brazil, and Yugoslavia.
Visiting juror in some great international caricature exhibitions
Artworks in Museums:
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Arts
Basel Caricature Museum in Switzerland
Gabrovo Caricature Museum in Bulgaria
Hiroshima Museum in Japan
Anti-war Museum in Yugoslavia
Istanbul Caricature Museum in Turkey
Warsaw Caricature Museum in Poland
Frankfurt Municipality Museum in Germany
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Diary of angels
The book of Kambiz (published in Italy)
Satirists of Iran
Don't bother the labouring ant
Olympic of laughter
A symphony of lines
If Da Vinci had met me.
