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Gallery Of Cartoons By Adam Zyglis - Usa
0 Comments | 1 Like | Gallery | Cartoons | Adam Zyglis | Usa

Adam is the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist for The Buffalo News.
His cartoons are internationally syndicated and have appeared in many publications around the world, including The Washington Post, USA Today, The New York Times and Los Angeles Times.
In his spare time he has done freelance work in book illustration and storyboarding. His work has also appeared magazines such as The Week, Time, and MAD Magazine.
In 2013 he won the Clifford K. and James T. Berryman Award, given by the National Press Foundation.
In 2007, 2011 and 2015 he won a National Headliner Award, sponsored by the Atlantic City Press Club.
Additionally in 2015 he was awarded the Grambs Aronson Cartooning with a Conscience award and the Pulitzer Prize.
He accepted the full time position at The Buffalo News in August of 2004, at the end of his three month illustration internship at the paper.
The News is the only daily newspaper in Buffalo, NY and has a circulation of around 300,000.
With a tradition of great cartoonists, the paper was home to Bruce Shanks and Tom Toles, both Pulitzer winners.
Currently, Adam draws five editorial cartoons every week, along with an occasional caricature on the book page or a cover illustration.

Adam is originally from Buffalo.
In 2004, he graduated from the Canisius College Honors program summa cum laude, with a major in Computer Science, a minor in Math and a concentration in Studio Arts.
Adam's first cartooning job was for The Griffin, the weekly student newspaper at the college.
Because of his work at the newspaper in 2003, he was honored with a first place national award from the Associated Collegiate Press and the Universal Press Syndicate.
He placed second in the 2004 John Locher Memorial Award, and he was a finalist in the 2003 Charles M. Schulz Award.
As a senior, he wrote his honors thesis on the art of editorial cartooning. And he met many inspiring people at Canisius, including his wife Jessica.


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