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Gallery Of Cartoon & Caricatures By Vasco Gargalo - Portugal
0 Comments | 1 Like | Gallery | Cartoon | Caricatures | Vasco Gargalo | Portugal

Vasco Gargalo is a portuguese cartoonist, born in 1977 in Vila Franca de Xira, a friendly town in Portugal. He became a father for the first time in 2011. Being a freelance press Cartoonist and Illustrator, his work has been publish in several national and international media – some of his best illustrations can be seen in newspapers and magazines such as “Sábado Magazine”; “Newspaper I”; “Daily News”(portuguese press); "Courrier International”; “Groene Amsterdammer Magazine"; Spotsatire Magazine” (international press). He is a regular collaborator with the Cartoon Movement and has participated in several exhibitions and festivals throughout Portugal, taking part in major European Cartoon Contests.

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