Petar Pismestrovic was born in 1951 in Sremska Mitrovica in former Yugoslavia.
After graduation, he studied political science in Zagreb and has been working as a professional cartoonist since 1970.
In addition to collaborating in 50 different magazines and magazines, he organized 35 exhibitions of his own works in Yugoslavia and Austria, attended numerous caricatures exhibitions and festivals and won first prizes five times - twice in Tolentino (Italy), Deva (Romania), Zagreb (Croatia), Belgrade (Serbia) and the second prize in Seoul (Korea), the "Excellence Prize" in Tokyo (Japan) and the special award in Istanbul (Turkey).
One of the founders of the Croatian Cartoonist Association (HDK). Since 1992, Pismestrovic has been working for the Kleine Zeitung (Austria). His works are among others. In Fogspalter (Switzerland), Courrier International (France), New York Times (USA), International Herald Tribune (France), Cicero (Germany).
Exhibitions, etc. In Klagenfurt (1992, 2000), Feldkirchen (1994), Ferndorf (1997), Tainach (1998), Köflach and St.Veit a.G. (2007). In addition to two of his own books, his cartoons are featured in several other books, including "The Finest International Cartoons of Our Time," "Marylin in Art," "Madonna in Art," "The Big Book of Bush" USA, "The Best Political Cartoons of the Year 2007" (USA), "Politics for the Third Millennium" - A Memorandum for Alois Mock on the occasion of the 60th Birthday "," Hohles Haus - Quotes from National Council Meetings of the Last Ten Years " "(" Austria ")," Eurospott "(Deutshland) was published.
He also makes illustrations for various books, posters, records, and mascots. Since 1996, Pismestrovic has been an Austrian citizen.