Born in 1937 in Kharkov (USSR).
From 1944 to 1962 he lived in Baku, he graduated from high school, an art Studio and Institute of medicine.
In 2012, noted three dates: the 75th anniversary since the birth of the two and the 50th anniversary of his professional and creative work. Although still considers himself "a doctor and a cartoonist without a diploma or a cartoonist with a diploma of the doctor".
The first picture appeared in the newspaper "Youth of Azerbaijan" in 1962, and in the same year after graduating from medical school he was sent to Kazakhstan.
Adopted as a freelance artist in Tselinograd staff of the newspaper "the Young virgin soil", where over four years have passed hundreds of drawings, captions, translations from the foreign press. Painted in a provincial, regional editions and tried to get into the magazine "Change". After a short respite in a two-year clinical internship in Leningrad, in 1971, moved to the Urals in the town Lesnoy.
First recognized in 1980 and 1982 in Odessa "Humorina". But tollo twenty years later, in 2002, the opportunity to send work to the international competition, which brought in the year multiple awards, mentions, diplomas, certificates and a bunch of directories.
Prizes (32), Special and Honorable Mentions (28), Special Prizes (18), Sertificates for Merit in Russia, France, Polska, China, Serbia, Korea, England, Italy, Chech, Russia, Azerbaijan.
?ity exhibition (9) International (3).
Member of the Association "Artspace" (Poland), honorary member of the Association of caricaturists of Azerbaijan.