Gallery Of Caricatures By Fernando Vicente - Spain
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Fernando Vicente - Spain
Self educated, his first works as an illustrator appeared in the first half of the eighties, in full Madrid, in Madriz magazines where he would publish continuously in both the illustration and the cartoon and La moon of Madrid.
After this first period, for nearly a decade he left the side of illustration as his main professional activity, to move to the advertising sector where he would be art director in various agencies.
Back in the world of illustration, from 1999 until the present time publishes assiduously in the newspaper El Pais and its various supplements, being of special importance its collaborations in the cultural Babelia.
Thanks to this work he has won three Award of Excellence awards from the Society for News Design.
His art has also appeared in magazines such as Europa Viva, Ronda Iberia, Lapiz, Rock of Lux, Gentleman, Letras Livre, Interviu, Cosmopolitan or DT.
In addition to his work for daily newspapers and magazines, he has made book covers and albums, as well as the illustrations of more than twenty books, both aimed at children and young adults as well as adults.
In 1984 he exhibited for the first time his works in the Moriarty Gallery and the Comic Festival of Leon.
Since then he has participated in many exhibitions, both collective and individual, especially the retrospective Universos (2011).
His work is collected in the volumes The pin ups of Fernando Vicente (2004, Dibbuks), Illustrated Literature (2007, Ediciones Sins Entido and Diputacion de Sevilla), Portraits (2009, Blur Ediciones), Portas (2010, Brandstudio Press) Universos (2011, Palma City Council and Savings Bank of the Mediterranean), Artbook (2014, Ominiky Editions) and Fernando Vicente (2014, Roads Publishing).
The work as painter of Fernando Vicente is characterized by the constant presence of the human figure combined with other elements that the author has been collecting throughout his life.
Thus, of the four main series that group his pictorial work, Anatomias is painted on maps, Atlas on mechanical sheet of workshop, and Vanitas and Venus use anatomical plates (the latter two being as references, respectively, to the fashion photographs of the 1950s and the great themes of classical painting).
The technique used is the same for both illustration and painting, acrylic, changing only the support, the paper in the first case and the canvas in the second.
Likewise, Fernando Vicente, always works standing, in front of a great easel, even in the case of the illustration.
The use of the computer is limited, when necessary, only for the final finishing: typographies, application of background colors or collages.
Self educated, his first works as an illustrator appeared in the first half of the eighties, in full Madrid, in Madriz magazines where he would publish continuously in both the illustration and the cartoon and La moon of Madrid.
After this first period, for nearly a decade he left the side of illustration as his main professional activity, to move to the advertising sector where he would be art director in various agencies.
Back in the world of illustration, from 1999 until the present time publishes assiduously in the newspaper El Pais and its various supplements, being of special importance its collaborations in the cultural Babelia.
Thanks to this work he has won three Award of Excellence awards from the Society for News Design.
His art has also appeared in magazines such as Europa Viva, Ronda Iberia, Lapiz, Rock of Lux, Gentleman, Letras Livre, Interviu, Cosmopolitan or DT.
In addition to his work for daily newspapers and magazines, he has made book covers and albums, as well as the illustrations of more than twenty books, both aimed at children and young adults as well as adults.
In 1984 he exhibited for the first time his works in the Moriarty Gallery and the Comic Festival of Leon.
Since then he has participated in many exhibitions, both collective and individual, especially the retrospective Universos (2011).
His work is collected in the volumes The pin ups of Fernando Vicente (2004, Dibbuks), Illustrated Literature (2007, Ediciones Sins Entido and Diputacion de Sevilla), Portraits (2009, Blur Ediciones), Portas (2010, Brandstudio Press) Universos (2011, Palma City Council and Savings Bank of the Mediterranean), Artbook (2014, Ominiky Editions) and Fernando Vicente (2014, Roads Publishing).
The work as painter of Fernando Vicente is characterized by the constant presence of the human figure combined with other elements that the author has been collecting throughout his life.
Thus, of the four main series that group his pictorial work, Anatomias is painted on maps, Atlas on mechanical sheet of workshop, and Vanitas and Venus use anatomical plates (the latter two being as references, respectively, to the fashion photographs of the 1950s and the great themes of classical painting).
The technique used is the same for both illustration and painting, acrylic, changing only the support, the paper in the first case and the canvas in the second.
Likewise, Fernando Vicente, always works standing, in front of a great easel, even in the case of the illustration.
The use of the computer is limited, when necessary, only for the final finishing: typographies, application of background colors or collages.
