Gallery Of Caricatures By Jean Michel Gruet - France
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Jean Michel Gruet - France
Velodidacte to the very personal universe tinged with black humor and nonsense borrowed poetry, he definitely prefers a smile to laughter.
Occasionally frequent the salons (Orleans, Decines, Castelnaudary, Samer ...) but also the kitchens, the cellars, to see the bedrooms if affinities.
Eternal great sportsman (black belt of SUDOKU), it regularly covers the European Cup and the Football World Cup for the site of the FIDBFPSLCEDN, in short the International Federation of the Beaux Freres Betting on the European Cup of Nations. Shares his activity between caricature animations and illustrations in magazines. Although pleasant companionship, our man is in a changing mood and varies the pleasures by indulging in watercolor and modeling.
Member of Caric' Artists.
Velodidacte to the very personal universe tinged with black humor and nonsense borrowed poetry, he definitely prefers a smile to laughter.
Occasionally frequent the salons (Orleans, Decines, Castelnaudary, Samer ...) but also the kitchens, the cellars, to see the bedrooms if affinities.
Eternal great sportsman (black belt of SUDOKU), it regularly covers the European Cup and the Football World Cup for the site of the FIDBFPSLCEDN, in short the International Federation of the Beaux Freres Betting on the European Cup of Nations. Shares his activity between caricature animations and illustrations in magazines. Although pleasant companionship, our man is in a changing mood and varies the pleasures by indulging in watercolor and modeling.
Member of Caric' Artists.
