Gallery Of Artworks By Hamid Ghorbanpoor
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Hamid Qorbanpour - Iran
Born in 1986, mashhad
Selected Group Exhibitions :
2013, graphic group exhibition, sloltan ali mashhadi Gallery, Mashhad
2013, graphic group exhibition , rezvan Gallery, Mashhad
2012, poster group exhibition, rezvan Gallery, Mashhad
Activities :
2014 first prize from the ‘bahare jan” poster ” Festival, mashhad
2002. 2003.2004, first prize from the “quranic calligraphy” Festival, khorasan razavi province(IR)
2012, receiving appreciation letter from the 7th “elegy of ashura art”, Tehran
2012, receiving appreciation letter from the poster festival, Kermanshah
2013, 10st “bismillah” International Festival, Tehran
2012, 9st “bismillah” International Festival, Tehran
2012, “bineshan” poster Festival, Esfahan
2011, “akharin monji” poster Festival, Mashhad
Selected Group Exhibitions :
2013, graphic group exhibition, sloltan ali mashhadi Gallery, Mashhad
2013, graphic group exhibition , rezvan Gallery, Mashhad
2012, poster group exhibition, rezvan Gallery, Mashhad
Activities :
2014 first prize from the ‘bahare jan” poster ” Festival, mashhad
2002. 2003.2004, first prize from the “quranic calligraphy” Festival, khorasan razavi province(IR)
2012, receiving appreciation letter from the 7th “elegy of ashura art”, Tehran
2012, receiving appreciation letter from the poster festival, Kermanshah
2013, 10st “bismillah” International Festival, Tehran
2012, 9st “bismillah” International Festival, Tehran
2012, “bineshan” poster Festival, Esfahan
2011, “akharin monji” poster Festival, Mashhad
