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Dalcio, Contest Of Humor Shg-Brazil
0 Comments | 2 Likes| Dalcio | Contest | Humor | Shg | Brazil

Deadline: Wed 30 Nov 2016

Dálcio, kicking out unemployment!

There's no fun on unemployment. Most of all, when it takes who made the Brazil's culture. The cartoonist, Dálcio Machado, is one more victim of this, so we will make him a tribute to all unemployed cartoonists, through cartons having Dálcio as a theme. Just he, who have participate and awarded on all Humor Contest around the world!


1° place: A original art signed by Dálcio Machado

1° to 3° places: Digital certify

Honor Mentions to 5 participants


- Send one work only

- Theme: "Kicking out unemployment"

Send your carton until30th of November, 2016, to the page "Salões de Humor Gráfico":



Jota A.

Dálcio Machado

Silvano Mello

Camilo Lucas

Lex franco

Hats off toDálcio Machado. Hats off to the Brazilian Cartoon!

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